Under Call for Applications with code POSEUR-10-2015-28 addressed to the Portuguese Environment Agency, IP (APA) to strengthen information and monitoring systems - modernization of the Air Quality System (QualAr), the deadline for requesting an appreciation from the National Authority for Civil Protection (ANPC) was extended to December, 9 2015.
The operation being submitted must be made with the assent by the National Authority for Civil Protection (ANPC), as the competent authority to plan, coordinate and implement the national policy on civil protection, which covers evaluating the appropriateness of actions to the national policy, taking into account the risks and vulnerabilities, as provided in paragraph 3 of Article 84 of the RE SEUR.
To obtain that appreciation, the following documents should be sent to the ANPC:
i -Specifications and technical characterization of the operation;
ii -Map with identification of the location / operation and implementation of georeferenced data in vector format, containing polygons, lines and / or points, as appropriate to represent the project, preferably in shape file format.