In an interview to Ambiente Magazine, Helena Pinheiro de Azevedo explains what is expected for the 2014-2020 programming cycle, specifically regarding the field of Sustainability and the Efficient Use of Resources (SEUR domain), pointing the importance of an articulation between all interventions and the different sector plans.
She also states that in this new period of support from European Union Funds to Portugal, the applications submitted are intended to be of "high quality, solidly engineered" and, to this end, every year, a schedule will be published, allowing potential beneficiaries to prepare projects properly and with a higher temporal margin. This calendar regarding the SEUR domain is also available on PO SEUR website (Call for Proposals) and was also disclosed in that issue.
Helena Azevedo also speaks about Calls for Proposals already released by PO SEUR, one of which already resulting in the approval of an application and a project in execution.
To learn more see the paper edition.