Within the scope of this Call, under code POSEUR-12-2017-29, operations covering investments in "Water Supply" infrastructures are eligible as follows:
iv). Investments aimed at improving the quality of water supplied in still poor supply areas, including improving the treatment process of water treatment plants (ETA) in order to comply with the Directive on the Quality of Water for Human Consumption, including the removal of emerging, anthropogenic or treatment by-products.
Each application can only integrate investments related to a subsystem of Water Supply, meaning in this scope by subsystem the set of all infrastructures associated with a treatment unit (ETA) or common origin. Applications that integrate more than one subsystem will not be accepted. Each application must integrate all the necessary actions to fully operationalize the proposed infrastructures and evidence their physical and financial autonomy in relation to other investments made, as well as demonstrate the capacity to achieve the goals of achievement and results foreseen in the application.
The beneficiary entities that may submit an application under this Call are the entities that manage the water supply services that fall under points c), d), e) and g) of article 96 of RE SEUR:
c) Municipalities and their Associations
d) State business sector
e) Local business sector
g) Municipal, inter-municipal or multi-municipal concessionaire companies.