Published today, December 3, Call for Applications POSEUR-10-2015-33, directed to the Regional Secretariat for Parliamentary and European Affairs of Madeira Autonomous Region for Reconstruction and Regularization of Santa Luzia Stream (Stretch between km 0 + 195,38 and km 0 + 386.38).
PO SEUR provides in Priority Axis 2 support for investments to enhance disaster resilience and develop management systems addressing specific risks in a resilience perspective, empowering the institutions involved, including Madeira Autonomous Region.
In Madeira, the situations of frequent floods are caused mostly by flash floods with high sediment transport, usually resulting from episodes of very intense and concentrated rainfall, affecting small watersheds characterized by small times of concentration, which makes these floods a torrential regime, and in some cases devastating, especially in urban areas. Under the "Prevention and management of floods and flood risks," take on a priority basis interventions in Madeira Autonomous Region, aimed at reducing the risks associated with floods, given its destructive impact of mass movements and floods, requiring integrated interventions at the level of hydrological systems, also taking into account the impact of extreme weather events, factors that combined in the recent past (2010) had catastrophic effects.
Following Recommendation issued by the Beneficiary Curator, the Call is published ahead of time and the period for submission of applications will be from 04 January to 31 March 2016.