PO SEUR currently has 7 active Calls for Applications 1 on Axis I 4 on Axis II and 2 on Axis III. You can consult it directly from the list below. All Calls are also available for viewing on the Calls for Applications tab.
In May PO SEUR will participate in the initiative EU in my Region, an European Commission campaign that encourages citizens to discover European projects in the area where they live and to share their images and experiences. To celebrate Europe Day, on May 9th, during this month some co-financed projects will be with Doors Open to be visited by the general public, making contact with the results of European funds more close and direct. Check out all the projects at www.euinmyregion.eu.
"School of Nature", a project from the Center for Environmental Monitoring and Interpretation of Viana do Castelo was named one of the five finalists of the European Natura 2000 Awards, in the "Communication" category. The project, co-financed by PO SEUR with a Cohesion Fund amount of 160,356.75 €, has as partners the Municipalities of Esposende and Vila Nova de Cerveira and Coimbra University, through the Sea Institute.
PO SEUR present today at the Conference to launch the Lisbon Metropolitan Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change
The construction of a new Companheira WWTP, integrated in the Algarve Multimunicipal Sanitation System, is in its final phase. With a Cohesion Fund contribution of € 9,425,565.04, the new Wastewater Treatment Plant of Companheira, in the northeast of the city of Portimão, will now allow the treatment of effluents of 130,000 inhabitants. More information on the applications approved by PO SEUR up to now in the Applications - Approved Applications tab.
The presentation video of the projects co-financed by PO SEUR in the scope of prevention and management of flooding risks is already available on our Youtube channel. This video was initially presented at the Signature Ceremony of the Terms of Acceptance related to the Call for "Structural interventions for river regularization and water level control in areas of frequent flooding and vulnerable to severe damage", which took place in Golegã on February 7th. Watch the video here.
Issue# 18 of PO SEUR Newsletter for January 2018 was released today, with various contents related to the operation of the Program and its scope of action, namely the Projects in Highlight, the most relevant News and also the heading Did You Know, with various curiosities. It is possible to subscribe to PO SEUR Newsletter through this link and it is also possible to consult any previous issues at any time.
PO SEUR Management Authority informs that a new functionality for Geo-referencing Operations (FGO) is already available within the application form at Balcão 2020.
Issue# 17 of the PO SEUR Newsletter for November was released today, with various contents related to the operation of the Program and its scope of action, namely the Projects in Highlight, the most relevant News and also the heading Did You Know, with various curiosities. It is possible to subscribe to PO SEUR Newsletter through this link and it is also possible to consult any previous issues at any time.
Applications to finance projects under IFRRU 2020 - Financial Instrument for Urban Rehabilitation and Revitalization are open. IFRRU 2020, which operates nationwide, is a financial instrument created under Portugal 2020, with the goal to finance urban rehabilitation operations in the Urban Rehabilitation Areas (ARU) delimited by the Municipalities. It provides all investors with 1,400 million euros for investment in urban rehabilitation, with funding from European Union funds.
Today issue #16 of the PO SEUR Newsletter, related to the month of September was made available with several contents related to the operation of the Program and its scope of action, namely the Projects in Highlight, the most relevant News and also the section Did You Know That..., with various curiosities about relevant aspects. You can subscribe to PO SEUR Newsletter through this link and it is also possible to consult any previous issues at any time.
PO SEUR Management Authority informs that Guidelines for Quantities Map and Measurement Autos at Balcão 2020 are now available on the Documentation - Guidelines tab, which intends to provide information on the registration of the Quantities Map of Quantities and of the Measurement Autos at Balcão 2020.
The € 75 million of Community funding for urban waste recovery that was hold at the European Commission was now released. Thus, PO SEUR will immediately finalize the application processes, which have been pending for about a year and a half because of the need to clarify the possible existence of State aid in the financing of entities in this sector.
Seixal Municipality will present the Seixal APPé mobile application, which will announce the Network of Environmental Interpretation Rails of the Municipality of Seixal, on September 27, Wednesday, at 6 pm, in the Auditorium of the Central Services of Seixal Town Hall. Get to know this and other projects co-financed by PO SEUR in the Applications - Approved Applications tab.
PO SEUR Management Authority informs you that a new version of the Support Guide for Applications in Balcão 2020 is available, a script that provides detailed explanations on the different steps to be taken when submitting an application in Balcão 2020, now including important details on the criteria for locating operations. It is available, like all the other Support Guides, on the Documentation - Guidelines tab.
PO SEUR Management Authority reports that it has been approved by the Management Commission and consequently available on the website the model for the Final Report to be used by the beneficiary entities under regulatory terms. The approved model is available directly here and under the Documentation - Guidelines tab and should be used, in accordance with the provisions of article 12 of the SEUR Specific Regulation.
PO SEUR Authority Management lauches another Support Guide for beneficiary guidance, the Support Guide for Physical Execution Report Module, intending to provide information that allows data insertion concerning physical execution of the indicators by the beneficiaries though a Module specifically designed for it. This Support Guide is available, as well as all the others, in the Documentation - Guidelines tab.
The project "Red List of the Vascular Flora of Continental Portugal" is the result of an application submitted by the Portuguese Society of Botany, within the scope of Call for Applications POSEUR-15-2015-13, a Call for Applications framed in the investment priority on the protection and rehabilitation of biodiversity and soil and promoting ecosystem services systems, particularly through Natura 2000 and green infrastructure, aiming to develop information and awareness-raising for the classified natural values. With a total investment cost of 411,643.82 euros, the project has a co-financing from the Cohesion Fund of 349,897.25 euros. Get to know all the applications approved by the PO SEUR so far in the tab Applications - Approved Applications.
It is available for consultation and download in the Documentation - Guidelines tab the Support Guide available for guidance for the Reprogramming Module in Balcão 2020. This is another Guidebook by PO SEUR Management Authority that intends to provide information that allows the insertion of reprogramming by the beneficiaries through a module designed for this purpose.
PO SEUR informs that updated versions of the Support Guides available for guidance are made available regarding Applications module within Balcão 2020 and Payment and Contracts modules.
Today was released the edition number 10 of PO SEUR Newsletter, for the month of September. With various contents related to various aspects of the Programme, including supported projects ando its scope of action, including the Featured Projects, the most relevant news and many facts about relevant aspects, the Newsletter offers the possibility to subscribe through this link. It is also possible at any time to consult all previous editions.
Now available for consultation and download in Excel and PDF format and reported to August 31, 2016, is the Operations Approved List within Portugal 2020, including PO SEUR. Ensure full transparency in the allocation of EU funds involves sharing with all citizens the information on the supported projects. The Operations Approved List, searchable, responds to this goal, allowing access to the entire society to the way the Union financial resources are invested.
PO SEUR Newsletter # 8 is already available and can also be found here. As in previous editions, this Newsletter presents several relevant content for potential beneficiaries of the Operational Programme for Sustainability and Efficient Use of Resources and maintains a bimonthly basis. All Newsletter editions will always be available on the website, but it is also possible to become a subscriber to receive it here.
Diário do Alentejo today gives account of applications approved by the Operational Programme Sustainability and Efficient Use of Resources for the Alentejo region, totalizing a value of Cohesion Fund of EUR 31.8 million. See here the Table with approved applications organized by Priority Axis and Intervention Typology. All applications approved so far by the PO SEUR are also available for consultation on the Applications tab - Approved Applications.
The conference "Circular Economy Financing" took place yesterday at CCB in Lisbon. Promoted by the Environment Ministry, it intended to stimulate the debate on the opportunities and challenges associated with the new paradigm of the economic model. Helena Azevedo, manager of PO SEUR, was present to talk about the funding available in this program to the theme.
European Funds from Portugal 2020 will support energy efficiency in homes and help the Portuguese save money spent with energy. The first step of the Operational Programme for Sustainability and Efficient Use of Resources (PO SEUR) is to allocate € 40 million of European funds in the new financial instrument for the rehabilitation and urban revitalization of Portugal 2020, called IFRRU 2020.
PO SEUR Newsletter completes with this issue # 7 a year of life, as its first edition was released in March 2015. The issue coming out today, April 6 , can be found here. As has been the case in previous editions, this Newsletter presents several relevant content for potential beneficiaries of the Operational Programme Sustainability and Efficient Use of Resources and has a bi-monthly basis.
Presentations made yesterday in PO SEUR results and priorities for 2016 presentation session are already available. Helena Azevedo, President of the Programme´s Management Committee presented the results and priorities and Manuela Matos, Member of the same Commission presented a new Call for Applications to be launched by PO SEUR for the urban water cycle.
Operational Programme for Sustainability and Efficient Use of Resources (PO SEUR) will hold a session, on march 23, regarding PO SEUR 2016 Results and Priorites. The session will be chaired by His Excellency the Minister of Environment, João Pedro Matos Fernandes.
Today, March 8, PO SEUR will attend the workshop "Contribution of Sport to Regional Development through the Structural Funds", in The Hague, the Netherlands. This workshop aims to present examples of good practice regarding the implementation of European funds for co-financing sports facilities projects.
PO SEUR met yesterday afternoon with the various Intermunicipal Communities of the North Region and the Oporto Metropolitan Area. The aim was to define the priorities for the year 2016 regarding the Pacts for Development and Territorial Cohesion signed with this Programme.
PO SEUR met this morning meeting with the various intermunicipal Communities (CIM) of the Central Region with Pacts for Development and Territorial Cohesion signed with this program to set priorities for the year 2016.
PO SEUR is present once again at Green Business Week (GBW), the National Week for Green Growth. This year the event has the support of the Ministry of Environment and takes place at the Lisbon Congress Centre between March 1 and 3. Visit us and get to know more about PO SEUR.
Today was published the Call for Applications with code POSEUR-77-2016-34 addressed to IDR , IP-RAM and SGMAI as PO SEUR's Intermediate Bodies under the Programme's Technical Assistance. Applications may be submitted up to 18:00 of March 31, 2016.
Newsletter # 6 PO SEUR was made available today, February, 3 and can also be found here. As in previous editions, this Newsletter presents several relevant content for potential beneficiaries of the Operational Programme for Sustainability and Efficient Use of Resources and maintains a bimonthly basis. All Newsletter editions will always be available on the website, but it is also possible to become a subscriber to receive it here.
Until January 29, 2016, PO SEUR released a total of 33 Calls for Applications, covering the three priority investment axis and technical assistance for the Programme. These Calls have provided 580.6 M€ from the Cohesion Fund (CF), representing approximately 25.8% of the overall budget of the Programme (2252.7 M€).
Newsletter # 5 PO SEUR was made available on August and can also be found here. As in previous editions, this Newsletter presents several relevant content for potential beneficiaries of the Operational Programme for Sustainability and Efficient Use of Resources and maintains a bimonthly basis.
PO SEUR Management Authority clarifies once again that the operating typologies related to some sections of the SEUR Specific Regulation will be supported by the ERDF through the Regional Operational Programmes where the investment is located and not by the Cohesion Fund through PO SEUR .
PO SEUR will be present tomorrow, October 22, at the V Conference on Water Resources, which will be held in the Auditorium of DRAP Algarve (Faro). This event organized by the Southern Regional Center of the Portuguese Association of Water Resources aims to discuss the urban water cycle in its various aspects.
Newsletter # 4 PO SEUR was made available on August and can also be found here. As in previous editions, this Newsletter presents several relevant content for potential beneficiaries of the Operational Programme for Sustainability and Efficient Use of Resources and maintains a bimonthly basis.
It will take place today, at 16:00, in the auditorium of the CCDR Centre in Coimbra, the signature ceremony of the Pacts for Development and Territorial Cohesion with the Intermunicipal Communities (CIM) of the Central Region. These agreements deliver to eight CIMs a total value of 354 million euros in EU funds, of which 4.8 million correspond to the support from the Cohesion Fund through PO SEUR.
PO SEUR’s Calls for Applications Attachments are now available. They can be checked out at “Call for Applications” submenu in “Applications” menu at PO SEUR website.
Newsletter # 3 PO SEUR was made available on August and can also be found here. As in previous editions, this Newsletter presents several relevant content for potential beneficiaries of the Operational Programme for Sustainability and Efficient Use of Resources and maintains a bimonthly basis.
It is available in the submenu Calls for Applications on this website, an updated version of the document that compiles the FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions, frequently asked questions from potential beneficiaries on the functioning and applications to the Operational Programme for Sustainability and Efficient Use of Resources. This latest version provides the answer to many questions that have arisen under the Calls for Applications to Priority Axis III.
Order No. 7909/2015 was published today establishing as 9 the maximum number of PO SEUR Technical Secretaries and undertaking their assignment. The document is available for consultation at Documentation tab on this website.
PO SEUR Management Commission meets today with the Governing Board of the Regional Development Institute, IP for Madeira Autonomous Region (IDR, IP - RAM) for the preparation of its constitution as a Programme Intermediate Body.
Order No.7704/2015 of July 2, amending Order No. 172 -A/2015 of January 6, and fixing the composition of PO SEUR Monitoring Committee was published today.
Operational Programme for Sustainability and Efficient Use of Resources (PO SEUR) Communication Strategy is available for consultation on the Documentation tab. It was approved by the Programme Monitoring Committee by a written consultation process completed on July 7, 2015.
In "About the Programme" documents concerning PO SEUR Strategic Environmental Assessment are now available, including Environment Report, the Non-Technical Summary and the Environmental Statement.
Starting today, July 1st, an English version of PO SEUR website is available. The website intends thereby to position itself as a research and consultation tool of all aspects of the Operational Programmme to an even wider audience.
A document compiling FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions, the most commom doubts beneficiaries have about how PO SEUR - Operational Programme for Sustainability and Efficient Use of Resources works and mainly about applications is already available on this website.
In the homepage of this website a tool is now available allowing you to see and download all Newsletters that have been published by PO SEUR.
Newsletters intend to present several relevant contents for potential beneficiaries of the Operational Programme and maintain a bimonthly basis.
Both Newsletter issues already available will be available on the website. It is also possible to become a subscriber and receive it here.